Our Son's Herd
Brit was our son's first heifer to show and start his own herd. He worked with her several times a week from the time she was born until the county fair. She has had her first calf, which was a heifer and will most likely be used in the show ring during the 2014 season. The slide show on the sub page 'Interactions" contains a series of photos showing some of their interactions.
His second heifer was much easier to break than the first one. One afternoon of tug of war and she was broke (wish they were all that way)! She did a great job at the fair and we are looking forward to breeding her this fall.
The third (and final heifer from Dad :o) ) is a full sister to his first heifer. We were quite surprised when she arrived wearing a black coat. Her previous two full siblings had both been white!
Lilly is our son's first calf from Brit. Her Sire is a purebred Angus bull, but as you can see, the Charolais in her back ground appeared to dominate the black Angus influence.She was breed in the Spring of 2015 to 'Bruiser', our Black Gelbvieh bull. She is raising a wonderful white bull calf (peeking around momma).
Ginger is a Shorthorn heifer that our son obtained by trading one of his steer calves. She is from a neighboring farm that has been refining his herd for decades. She will be his 2015 show calf and we are looking forward to her producing many great calves in the future.
Maisy is Brit's 2nd calf and a Fall 2014 calf. She is out of our Angus bull 'Thor'. She was shown during the 2016 show season. She has proven to be an outstanding mother cow and is raising the largest heifer calf in the group this summer.
'Little Britches' is a Gelbvieh cross heifer out of our son's 3rd show calf Missy. She was shown during the 2017 show season. We are looking forward to her first calf next Spring.
'Orphan Annie' is a Angus heifer that was raised by our son's 1st cow, Brit. Brit lost her 2016 calf, so we found this bottle calf as a replacement.